Summer Youth Employment Program
The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is the nation's largest youth employment program, connecting local youth 14 - 24 years old with paid work experience over the summer.

Northwest Regional Investment
Board (NRWIB) giving youth
valuable work experience,
connections to professional
networks and job readiness.
Develop resume, enhance interview skills, and build financial literacy
Educate, employ, and empower tomorrow's leaders
Explore different interests & career pathways
Gain professional support from a trusted mentor
Develop productive workplace habits while working 20 hours per week for minimum wage
Strengthen leadership skills during the six-week experience
Summer Youth Employment Program
For eligible youth 14 - 24 years old. Operates for six weeks from July 8th - August 16th. Participants work 20 hours per week and make $15.69 per hour (minimum wage).
There are limited spots available and youth must fit the criteria listed below.
Application Documentation
The following documents are required:
- Copy of applicant's Birth Certificate or State ID
- Copy of applicant's Social Security Card
- Copy of applicant's School ID, State ID or Passport
- Copy of applicant's most recent report card, IEP or 504 Plan (if applicable)
- Copy of applicant's green card (if applicable)
Categorical Eligibility
Youth must self-attest to at least one the following:
- Having a disability meeting criteria outlined in WIOA eligibility directives
- Involved in special education
- Have an IEP or 504 Plan
- Being pregnant
- Parenting a child
- Being homeless or a runaway
- Being justice involved (with CSSD, DCF, DOC, etc.)
- Being an English language learner
Low Income Status Eligibility
Youth must provide documentation for at least one the following:
- Proof of low income status
- Proof of free or reduced-price school meals
- Current tax return form
- Financial assistance letter
- Proof of special education, IEP or 504 status
Applicants will be contacted by Nancy Ruhs, Youth Employment Program Coordinator & Mentor once their application has been approved. For more information, please email or call (203) 731 - 7749.
SYEP Photos